Its spirituality

The spirituality of our congregation can be summed up in three points:




“The Blessed Virgin, mother of God and our mother, in her capacity as Sultana of the Apostles, watches over this Eucharistic family and over the souls entrusted to it.”

(Article 6 of the rights of the Congregation)

1- Evangelical Spirituality

Evangelical Spirituality because our congregation was founded to continue the saving mission of the gospel. Jesus Christ, the word incarnate, came to this world to give us only life and the word of life: “He who hears my word has eternal life” (John 5:24)

With Dr Georges Yaraq
2- Eucharistic Spirituality

Eucharistic Spirituality because our name of “Missionary Sisters of the Very Holy Sacrament” designates the Eucharistic spirituality that inspires us to be an offertory for the Eucharist and with the Eucharist an offertory for the salvation of souls!

Eucharistic procession during the annual spiritual retreat
3- Apostolic spirituality

Christ chose the nuns as missionaries to spread his love that stimulates them to foster the evangelical spirituality of the congregation “he sent me to evangelize the poor and heal the unfortunate” (Luke 18: 4), while taking Jesus Himself as the soul of their apostolic life, destined to save souls redeemed by His divine blood.

In Qartaba parish with the apostolic group of Jbeil